Monday, July 14, 2008

Green Car Congress: GM Unveils Second Propulsion System for Chevrolet Volt: A Fuel Cell Variant

Green Car Congress: GM Unveils Second Propulsion System for Chevrolet Volt: A Fuel Cell Variant: "a hydrogen fuel cell variant that uses GM’s new fifth-generation fuel cell system as its primary power source."


Forget the GM VOLT!!! Switching to hydrogen!!! The idiots shouldnt have sold the battery technology to TEXACO... so they could kill it.

John McCain is a tool for big oil... he was hawking for them recently... offering prize money to whoever could develope (re-invent) THIS battery!

You see, big oil doesnt have our economy in their best interest....they want to diliver a product you have to buy at THEIR stations.... where they control how much of your weekly check you should keep!!
They want you to go to their stations where their trucks deliver your daily rations.

They dont want you plugging in at home.... and they definitely dont want you completely off their grid which solar panels will do in the next inevitable generation of fuels. ULTRA CLEAN FUELS, might I add.

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